Welcome to Holy Commotion! – Truro
“This is Church, but not as we know it!”
Holy Commotion is “St. Paul’s Church in the School”. Since 2007 we have been meeting regularly at 6.30pm on Wednesdays at Archbishop Benson CEVA School, Bodmin Road, Truro, for worship because our parish church is closed.

Our Mission
Our mission is to make the Christian faith accessible to families with small children or babies. We are providing a safe 'access' point for those families wanting to know about the Christian faith but who don't want to go to "church"! Traditonal 'church' is sometimes not an ideal place for those stepping out for the first time, or those wanting to return to church with a young family. It can be initimidating and unfamilar but Holy Commotion and Together in Worship offer the ideal informal environment in which to explore faith and engage in worship without fear of causing upset or distruption to a regular church service.

We meet fortnightly during term time in the School Hall at Archbishop Benson CEVA School, Bodmin Road, Truro.
Dates vary so click "Read more" below to see our current programme.
Latest news is shown below under "Latest news"!
We invite to join our mailing list and receive emails we send out with our latest news

Our Emmaus group meets fortnightly gathering to explore in more depth apsects of the Christian faith. It is not a Bible study group but we do study the Bible. It is an opportunity to ask questions and explore the faith in a safe envirnoment.
We meet on alternate Wednesdays at 6.30pm in the Staff room at Archbishop Benson CEVA School at 6.30pm.
Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life. If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact our safeguarding coordinator Sue Pettit on 01872 273222 in the Parish of St George and Judy Pykett on 01872 277002 in the Parish of St John.
In the Diocese: Sarah Acraman Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, 01872 274351
Out of Hours or after 5pm and weekends: 01208 251300
In emergency situation:
Local Authority Children’s Social Care: 0300 123 1116
Local Authority Adult’s Social Care: 0300 1234131
Latest News
Unfortunately, No Holy Commotion now until further notice!
Parent and Baby/Stay and Play group at St Georges, Truro. We meet in St. George's church hall from 1:30pm- 2:30pm every Tuesday. Come along for refreshments, fun and to make new friends. Suggested donation of £1.00 per visit.
FAMILY FEST 2019 - 21st to 23rd June!!
Full details of the 2019 Family Fest family camping weekend at the River Dart Country Park, Ashburton, are now available!! Booking are being taken and there is a discount being offered for bookings received before the end of May! Food arrangements are slightly different this year - the food will be freshly cooked, lovely, locally sourced and much more environmentally friendly than in previous years. Please note however that a cut-off on the food bookings to give Rachel, the cook. time to order and prepare food and to ensure that there is minimal waste. This means that weekend bookings taken after the 7th June will not include food on Friday or Saturday nights.
In the next few weeks the new Family Fest website will be launched: https://familyfestsouthwest.com/
Keep checking in to see when it goes live! -
If you would like to attend this year please email me at frcdepps@btinternet.com for a booking form! Act quickly to take advantage of the early booking discount!
The cost this year for camping and food Friday and Saturday evenings (choices available) will be:
£20 per person (bookings up to 31/5/19)
OR £25 per person (bookings after 31/5/19) -
I will be going again along with others who have attended before! If you need any further info message me and I will endeavour to answer questions. Last year's event was absolutely delightful and great fun for the family. There are activities for all the family and family worship times in the marquee.
Family Fest is organised by The Society of Ss. Wilfred & Hilda and is supported once again by The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham.