St. George the Martyr and St John the Evangelist, Truro
Please note that the Benefice is now in transition and service times are liable to change. Please check "latest News" on our Home page for latest details!
St George the Martyr
9.30 am Morning Prayer
10.15 am Angelus
10.30 am Holy Mass
St. John the Evangelist, Truro:
Every 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 5th Sunday - 10.30am Parish Eucharist –
Every 4th Sunday of the month - 10.30am Morning Prayer
St. Paul's, Truro: Holy Commotion used to meet on alternate Wednesdays in term time but is currently suspended during the transition

Weddings & Baptisms
To enquire about a wedding or baptism during the transition, please contact one of our church wardens. by phone. For St George's on 01872 273222 or 01872 275608 and for St John's on 01872 272701. For church hall enquiries please ring 01872 277423 for St John's and 01872 272950 for St George's.
You might find these links helpful:

Family Worship
Our mission regarding Family Worship is to make the Christian faith accessible to families with small children or babies.
In the benefice we provide two safe 'access' points for those families wanting to know about the Christian faith but who don't want to go to "church"!
Traditonal 'church' is sometimes not an ideal place for those stepping out for the first time, or those wanting to return to church with a young family. It can be initimidating and unfamilar.
Holy Commotion and Together in Worship at St. George's offer the ideal informal environment in which to explore faith and engage in worship without fear of causing upset or distruption to a regular church service.
For full details of these projects please visit the Holy Commotion website at www.holycommotion.org.uk
For those wishing to attend traditional Church with children we welcome families and children at all of our services at both churches. The second Sunday of the month at St. John's is always a Family Eucharist.

St. Paul's Parish
If you have moved in to the parish of St. Paul’s, Truro and wish to continue attending church to worship your choices are, Holy Commotion on alternate Wednesdays in term time (see holy commotion website for full details and programme), St. George’s, in St. George’s Road or St. John’s, in Lemon Street.